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Menstrual Justice is a communal responsibility. We are rooted in our local context of Sheffield, building a local case study of what can be achieved globally. 

Our Network of Period Product Banks

Irise has established a network of period product banks across Sheffield in host community partners, ensuring that nobody in our home city lacks access to the period products they need.


The banks provide judgement-free access to a variety of products including disposable pads and tampons, as well as menstrual cups and period pads.

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The Period & Menopause Charter

We work with Sheffield City Council to ensure that youth-voice is centred in the development of the UK’s first city-wide Period & Menopause Charter.



Empower Period Programme

We work with community partner organisations to nominate Period Champions. We then equip and support these young people to lead action for menstrual justice within their own communities. 

About Irise

Irise is an award winning, global leader in menstrual justice programming, policy and research. 

Contact Us

+44 0114 7069955

+44 07772587984


7 Castle Street, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, S3 8LT

period product
period products
Charity Number

UK Registered Charity Number: 1157722 

Uganda NGO Registration Number: 11946


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period products
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