Ever since I started having periods I have suffered with them. I was never prepared for the pain and everything else that goes with it. School never supported or made us feel ok when it came to them, they would stop us from going to the toilet or give you a detention if you went, even the female staff, who you would have thought would understand. Schools should provide and let us go to the toilet when needed. I now work in schools, and whenever a student needs the toilet I will always let them go, as it is their human right to use the toilet. Young people need to be taught what human rights they have, this way teachers cannot stop them from going to the bathroom or give them detention or even isolation if we decide to walk out and go
I used to miss days of school every month as I couldn’t cope, and am still having days of work due to them.
All the doctors do is put you on tablets (the pill, not caring what side effects we will have) , even from such a young age, i have known people being put on them from as young as 14 , if that doesn’t work, they’ll put you on a different pill, and then another one. If that doesn’t work its the implant, if that doesn’t help, the coil, if that doesn’t work, the injection. There’s no actual help out there when we are suffering, the whole stigma around periods makes you not want to talk to anyone, as it’s “embarrassing” and something we apparently have to be ashamed about.
In schools, boys make you feel even worse about it, making comments that make us feel even more uncomfortable and ashamed. Boys would often make nasty comments to any girl, boys don’t understand what they are really like, it’s kind of like they take the mick and want us to be embarrassed that we have them